Together for CHANGE is a project coordinated by JRS Europe and implemented in 8 countries: Belgium, Spain, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Serbia and Portugal. The goal of the project is to foster student’s civic engagement to promote critical thinking skills and migrants’ integration by encouraging students to take actions together with young migrants to participate in schools and community initiatives.

Curriculum available in 10 languages & more coming soon

The 6 stages of Together for Change

Exploring Self-Awareness

Reflect on experiences, attitudes & emotions concerning refugees & migrants.


Self-exploration & moderated exchange guided by thought-provoking questions.

Recognize the significance of self-awareness before engaging with others, whether they are perceived or actual differences.

Recognize the significance of self-awareness before engaging with others, whether they are perceived or actual differences.

Processing Critical Information

Acquire knowledge and develop skills in using media effectively


Information research to differentiate opinion from knowledge and find credible sources.

Actively acquire knowledge and develop skills in using media effectively, while honing the ability to critically analyze information.

Actively acquire knowledge and develop skills in using media effectively, while honing the ability to critically analyze information.

Changing perspectives

Shift perspective through through emotional engagement.


Encounter individuals who have experienced forced migration and empathetic dialogues.

Foster perspective shifts through meaningful encounters, encouraging individuals to engage emotionally and reflect on their experiences..

Foster perspective shifts through meaningful encounters, encouraging individuals to engage emotionally and reflect on their experiences.

Forming Judgment

Reflect on moral principles and facilitate discussions about personal beliefs.


Perspective-taking exercises to present, justify, and discuss one's own position.

Promote perspective change by reflecting on moral principles and facilitating discussions about personal beliefs.

Promote perspective change by reflecting on moral principles and facilitating discussions about personal beliefs.

Dealing with prejudices

Build awareness about generalizations can obscure the unique realities of individuals.


Exercises to recognize and address generalizations and prejudices.

Build awareness that generalizations can obscure the unique realities of individuals,leading to discrimination.

Build awareness that generalizations can obscure the unique realities of individuals,leading to discrimination.

Getting into action

Inspire & empower change through collaborative actions with others.


Working together on projects related to migration, refuge, diversity & anti-racism.

Inspire open-mindedness and empower change through collaborative actions with others.

Inspire open-mindedness and empower change through collaborative actions with others.

Are you driven by the desire to create a positive impact in your community?

Do you recognize the transformative potential of cultural exchange and solidarity?

our training programme offers a comprehensive training to provide participants with Migration background with the essential skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to initiate meaningful change, both locally and globally.

TOGETHER FOR Change Partners

JRS Europe, together with nine national partners, is committed to making CHANGE happen. The Together for CHANGE project is coordinated by JRS Europe and partnered with JRS Belgium (Belgium); Fundación Alboan (Spain), JRS Hellas (Greece)Jézus Társasága Magyarországi Rendtartománya (Hungary); Isusovacka Sluzba Za IzBjeglice (Croatia), Associazione Popoli Insieme (Italy); UNIRE APS (Italy); Humanitarna Organizacija Jesuit Refugee Service (Serbia), JRS Portugal – Servicio Jesuita aos Refugiados (Portugal) and Unire APS (Belgium).

Be part of CHANGE

Challenge the critical thinking of your students and contribute to create CHANGE in our society.