
What I learned from volunteering (during a pandemic) – Part 1

As a young person in Hungary, I often see just how negative the general attitude towards refugees and migrants is. Many people have strong prejudices when it comes to those who came here from a different country – and I think this is the biggest problem, as these prejudices are completely baseless and unjustified. This […]

What I learned from volunteering (during a pandemic) – Part 1 Read More »

Sharing can change perspectives

Sharing experiences and teaching has always been a hobby of mine. I had the chance to be invited by the Jesuits Refugee Service to hold some lectures about Syria and the refugee crisis for Hungarian high school groups. I liked the idea for many reasons: Syria is small country in the Middle East, which not

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CHANGE – a special day at school!

The students of Aldapeta school in Donostia organised special awareness raising days during the last month. It has been a great opportunity to address the issues of migration, refugees, and reception.   Although Covid-19 prevented them from carrying out some of the activities they used to do outside of the school, thanks to the CHANGE

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I see my own life to be almost perfect compared to the struggles other have faced

The testimony of an Irish student after an encounter with a refugee:   After hearing the refugees’ stories, I felt extremely grateful for what I have and the environment that I live in. I see my own life to be almost perfect compared to the struggles other have faced living in difficult conditions. I am

I see my own life to be almost perfect compared to the struggles other have faced Read More »

Student feedback

After the session with Hend, a Syrian lady who told her story, the class sent her this message:   “The 8Âş1 of Escola Secundária FernĂŁo Mendes Pinto really enjoyed the session and we want you to know that it was very important to us. The session helped us to reflect and we are very interested

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The story of my nanny, Sahra

The young author tells us the story of the bond between an infant girl, Francesca, and her Somali babysitter, Sahra. Through a letter written by Sahra for when the child grows up, we find out about her painful past. This story opens a window on distant traditions and on phenomena characterised by violence and prejudice.

The story of my nanny, Sahra Read More »

A life-changing friendship

Saru is a Sicilian farmer who has made the values of hospitality and solidarity the keys to his success. Indeed, he has never forgotten his childhood friendship with a migrant child, Johel, with deep black eyes and ever-present red socks. Johel arrived in Italy by sea, but suddenly had to leave Sicily after his relocation

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“I am extremely lucky”

The testimony of an Irish student after an encounter with a refugee:   ‘I was heartbroken by Filimon’s story. Filimon is a 16 year old refugee who lives in London. He had to leave his country without his family because of war. This is heart-breaking to me, as I started to think how I would

“I am extremely lucky” Read More »