
What if it were me?

A school from Loures developed a very interesting student ambassador activity. Everyone had 15 minutes to choose what would they pack in their bag if they had to run away, and then explain their reasoning to the class.   Portuguese version E se fosse eu?   Esta escola de Loures desenvolveu uma atividade de alunos […]

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Courage and a smile

His story is not easy to listen to and certainly not easy to tell. But he did it anyway, and did it with a beautiful smile on his face. Even before the presentation started he was so nice, so friendly, he is an example of strength, he is the proof that we should be good

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Our experience with CHANGE

This is what two students of the Mancinelli and Falconi of Velletri schools in Rome who took part in the CHANGE project have to say about it:   “In class we researched various topics, such as refugee children and women. My classmates and I researched refugees in Italy and I found it very interesting and

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The way you look at the world

“Damascus, Aleppo, Palmira and other places in Syria have been peaceful in the past, peaceful and very beautiful! Ghalia shared photos of her country and how she knew it, a safe country full of charm, different from the images in the media that exposed the war. However, the scars of war are carved in the

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Every person is different

Every person has their own story, every person has something special that makes them unique. Thanks to the testimonies and the reflective moments provided by CHANGE, students concluded that people need great courage to leave everything they love behind and take only the essential to survive.     Portuguese version Toda a gente Ă© diferente

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