
Travel across the humanity of Abdulazez’s pictures: the power of images

In June at the European school III in Brussels, Nathalie Stalmans, an Ethics teacher, organised an online meeting with her students and Abdulazez, a Syrian man and a VUB student now based in Belgium. The online meeting was part of CHANGE, JRS Europe’s educational project. One ofAbdulazez’s passions is photography. The meeting became an opportunity […]

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One to one: Encounters with the Cross-cultural Socio-educational Service [SEI]

The SEI Association has supported for many years the newly arrived adolescents and their families to Pamplona at their time of migratory grief. They are assisted in language acquisition and homework assignments and at the same time healthy leisure activities are promoted to foster their inclusion in their new host city. At the end of

One to one: Encounters with the Cross-cultural Socio-educational Service [SEI] Read More »

Walking together

Everything was ready for February 16. At the break of dawn youngsters coming from all corners of the world gathered to spend a day in the mountains. We reached Villava, a location near the town of Pamplona (Spain) by public transport, starting point to the top of Iruntzu hill. It was the first day that

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Online encounters

“I escaped from Afghanistan ten years ago and my journey was not easy. There was a night when I thought that it would be my last time seeing the moon. Fortunately, I have seen many full moons and nights full of stars since then. I was locked in dark rooms by trafficants, but today I

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Understanding the world from home: Learning about refugees and the Syrian crisis online

As the classroom activities (and the selection adapted for on-line classes) of the CHANGE project put the emphasis on personal encounter with migrants and refugees, they offer the change of the point of view to students, who are willing to imagine themselves in the position of the other. To help the work of teachers in

Understanding the world from home: Learning about refugees and the Syrian crisis online Read More »

Being a father …

V. is “a family man”, as he likes to call himself when he meets the students at the beginning of each encounter. He arrived in Italy many years ago after fleeing Cameroun from violence and torture. Being an activist back then, it’s important for him to tell his story and shed light to the situation

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