
Listen and share: the added value of the encounter into Change programme

  An Irish student shares his feelings and his experience after the encounter with Ghazal and Filimon, two refugees from Syria, now living in Ireland.   Listening to Filimon and Ghazal’s stories really drove home the fact that I live a very privileged life and am extremely lucky to live in the country that I do. Although

Listen and share: the added value of the encounter into Change programme Read More »

Mass graves

Mass graves,    Countries too abandoned.    Fairy tales savored in the cold    by small and hopeful children.     Rough waters, killer waves,     lost prayers and in need of being heard.    Islands of breathless bodies    And compassionate sunrays.     “Mass graves” is a poetry written by Elisa Fraschetti Giolito, a student

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Hope for the future!

An Irish student’s hope for the future after participating in the CHANGE programme.   “I feel like learning about Ghazal and Filimon has impacted me a lot because I’m going to stop taking advantage of the things I can get so easily that for others it might be near impossible to get, such as water,

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Writing does not go into exile

Thousands of students from schools in 15 Italian cities were the protagonists of “La scrittura non va in esilio” (Writing does not go into exile), the award ceremony for the literary contests promoted by Centro Astalli, realized in collaboration with Rai Cultura (media partner of the event). An event dedicated to culture, books, education and

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CHANGE begins with an encounter

It is not easy to write about JRS’s CHANGE project for high school students. These workshops aim to challenge the students to think critically on the subject of refugees and migration – but these words bring up so many associations and even emotions. Immigration, economy, politics, social work, media, neighbourly love, defense, European values…  

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Young journalists as a part of CHANGE

Student Lana Jurišić is one of the students from primary schools in Croatia, currently inclouded in CHANGE project. She wrote about CHANGE in their school newspaper “ZmajÄŤek”, as a student journalist:   This school year we started implementing the CHANGE project. The goal of CHANGE is to make students think critically about the topics of

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