
Value what you have

Abdul is an amazing speaker who has been sharing his story with many students. The fact that he is a young man helps build more empathy with the class. Abdul always say that young people should appreciate their family and school because we can never take anything for granted.     Portuguese version Valoriza o

Value what you have Read More »

How should I tell my story?

The Moait family has been a big help during the CHANGE project, besides the fact they are great speakers, they have created a power point presentation to help make their story more dynamic. It’s been a pleasure working with them.     Portuguese version Como devo contar a minha histĂłria?     A famĂ­lia Moait

How should I tell my story? Read More »

More serious that it looks

“I really enjoyed the session. I think that although we sometimes see situations in the news such as arrivals of refugees to Portugal or to the European Union, we often do not realize the seriousness of the matter and end up not paying the subject much mind. But actually, these things deserve a lot more

More serious that it looks Read More »

A new perspective

Maria Gomes is a Portuguese student who shared the impact of CHANGE on her mindset with JRS:   Regarding feedback for the last class, I enjoyed it very much. Mainly, I thought it opened our eyes, and made us aware of realities we were totally ignorant of.   Portuguese version Uma nova perspetiva   A

A new perspective Read More »