Project U-change
Understanding Change (U-CHANGE) is a project coordinated by JRS Europe that researches how students’ perception of migration evolved through the CHANGE education project. While CHANGE education project focuses on in-school work and awareness raising on critical thinking, U-CHANGE researches the findings from the evaluation of that work. The goal of the project is to develop an innovative methodology to promote critical thinking among young people and facilitate civic engagement with the goal of social inclusion.
The U-Change Research Methodology
Working with the CHANGE school networks and a research institute, U-CHANGE will assess the data of 3,000 students from 9 European countries.
Multivariant statistical analysis, comparing different variables to findings, will allow to assess how students’ critical thinking performance has been influenced.
Based on this research, JRS Europe will publish a report to be widely disseminated among education stakeholders, schools, and civil organisations, and will organise events and tutorials.
For teachers across Europe. Thanks to the involvement of 680 educators and awareness raising campaigns online, the research will reach 20,000 to 35,000 people in a variety of European countries. The end goal is to promote good citizenship, in line with UN Global Education Sustainable Development Goal 4.

You can teach or learn for the change,
you can teach or learn for change!
The University of Commillas carried out a in-depth research study among students who had participated in the CHANGE awareness-rasing project and identified what was effective and what helped students develop valuable critical-thinking skills. Therefore, it asessed the programme’s impact on students in developing critical thinking skills and improving civi participation, in particular in promoting intercultural exchanges, diversity, and social inclusion. The 6 key lessons that come out of this study are:
- CHANGE mobilises learning and critical thinking.
- Some entrenched prejudices remain.
- Presence of refugee population in classrooms has a big impact.
- There are three clear student profiles.
- The context of application is heterogenous and it is not neutral.
- Not all stages have the same participation.

U-Change Partners
U-CHANGE is led by JRS-Europe and partnered with Collège St. Michel and CEBECO (Belgium); Institute for Studies on Migration of University of Comillas, Fundacion Entreculturas and Fundacion Alboan (Spain); Popoli Insieme (Italy) and JRS Hungary

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Teacher Training: How to Foster Awareness of Climate Change?
As part of the Change Environment Project, we hosted a two-day immersive and transformative Teacher Training on Climate Change and Migration. This initiative aims to explore the vital connection between

Identifying situations of exclusion and testing solutions through the theatre of the oppressed.
Last Saturday, October 7th, Edukalboan, a community of educators promoted by the Alboan Foundation that contributes to social transformation and the construction of global citizenship through education, held its 10th

Change Environment Team at the National Congress of Teachers For Future Spain (TFFS)
On September 30th, the Second National Congress of Teachers for Future Spain (TFFS) was held in Madrid. TFFS is a group of teachers who, to face the climate emergency, have
Challenge the critical thinking of your students and contribute to create CHANGE in our society.