Where can I find the CHANGE materials?
You can find the CHANGE materials here – under the “CHANGE course” section. The CHANGE
materials can be accessed and downloaded for free online in Basque, Croatian, Dutch, English,
French, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The course will remain available for use on this
website for an unlimited period of time. You can start working with CHANGE whenever is most
convenient for you.
Do I have to follow all 6 stages of the CHANGE course?
This is not obligatory! The course is structured into 6 stages ; each stage has its’ objective and
proposes a student worksheet, a teacher guide and activities. However, we encourage teachers to
adapt and ‘customise’ CHANGE according to their students’ age, interest and needs as well as the
subject they teach and the time they have to engage with the topics. Thus, you can pick and mix
desired activities and resources.
Why do I have to register my class when I use the CHANGE materials?
The registration is for administrative purposes. This enables us (JRS) to keep an overview of which
teachers in which schools are using our materials. In this way, we can also provide better support to
teachers engaging with the CHANGE project. The registration form and process complies and follows
the GDPR policy.
I am a teacher and I am not sure about engaging with the topic of refugees and migrants in my classroom. How should I approach this subject with my students?
CHANGE is about helping to students to form their own ideas – through critical thinking and making
value-based judgements. This forms the basis of the 6-stage course. You don’t need any previous
experience teaching about refugees and migrants to participate in CHANGE. If you need help getting
started, check out the teacher’s introduction to the course and this list of external resources. You
can also contact your local CHANGE partner for support and guidance.
When I share things like stories and photos with CHANGE, how will they be used?
CHANGE will share stories, quotes and photos of people who are involved and want to share their
experiences with a wider audience. We share content on this website, the blog and social media
pages – like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. This helps CHANGE to have a broader
impact and visibility beyond the communities where your actions happen. When it comes to your
content, you always have the final say. Please see the policies, precautions and conditions page for
more info.
I am a student and my teacher and school do not participate in CHANGE, can I still participate in the Student Ambassador programme?
If you and a group of your friends are interested in being involved in CHANGE outside of school, it is
possible. You need to find a mentor – like a coach, scout leader or youth minister – to help you out.
Once you’ve found someone, ask them to contact JRS Europe and your local CHANGE partner.
CHANGE does not have a partner in my country, can I still participate?
Yes, please contact JRS Europe to learn more. You can implement the educational course and
participate in the Student Ambassadors programme ; however, we cannot guarantee we can help
arrange an encounter with a refugee or that you will be able to participate in the final events.